Offices can sometimes be stifling environments, and these grey, colorless spaces do anything but help the employees that are present to work effectively – but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can inject some life and color into the surroundings by having office plants placed in the vicinity – and the positive impacts that doing this will have make it clear that it’s a prudent course of action. Of course, if you decide to go down that route, you need to make sure that the plants are properly maintained and cared for, otherwise you’ll be missing out on the benefits – and if anything, they could negatively impact your workspace. At Plantcare Specialist, we’re highly accomplished in the care of office plants, and there’s no better office plant maintenance service in the Ford Lauderdale region. Read on below for further details on this service.
Businesses are built to make money, and making profits relies almost solely on the productivity of those who work for the business – so it’s certainly in your interests to make sure that they can work as effectively as possible. Plants in the office can boost productivity in a significant way, with some studies estimating that you can give your workers a 15% boost in productivity by just adding a few plants to their work area. These effects are multiplied with more plants added. By having us care for your plants, you’ll be ensuring that these effects endure – and you’ll effectively be making more money because of it.
In the offices across the United States, the majority of the spaces and rooms do not have any plants in – and the negative impact that this has on the workers is simply staggering. Having properly maintained plants in your office can improve the physical wellbeing of those working there – with reduced fatigue, concentration problems, and reduced irritation of the nose and eyes a few of the improvements. There are suggestions that you can reduce the risk of sick building syndrome by making these changes – which will lessen the number of absences in your workforce.
The mental health of your workforce is critically important – both in terms of their wellbeing outside of the office, and in the way it impacts on your business. Our commercial plant maintenance team will keep the plants in your office in tip-top condition, and this is going to have a positive impact on the mental wellbeing of those who work there. Studies indicate that plants can reduce anxiety and stress levels, boost positive moods, and even help with memory function. Naturally, these are considerable positives in an office environment.
Another reason to place your trust in a professional office plant maintenance service is that it’ll be a great tool in your arsenal for positively impressing those that visit your commercial site. Potential employees and business partners will be more likely to think well of a business that has a lively, vibrant workspace with well-looked after plants present.
There are a lot of reasons why you might need an Exterior Plant Maintenance Service. A few of the most common ones are:
– the plants are looking unkempt
– you want to spruce up the landscaping around your office building
– you need to care for plants that are too big and difficult to manage on your own
– you want a company that can provide regular maintenance of the landscaping around your office building.
There are a lot of reasons why you might need a Residential Plant Maintenance Service for your home. A few of the most common ones are:
– You know you need to hire a Residential Plant Maintenance Service but don’t know which one
– Your plant is too tall for you to reach and maintain on your own. (i.e.: Tall trees, large hedges)
– The plant needs special care and knowledge that only a professional can provide
– You simply don’t have the time to maintain your plants
Choosing who to hire can be difficult as there are many different companies out there advertising their services. To help make this decision easier for you we have some advice when choosing Exterior Plant Maintenance Service:
· Expertise – You need to find an Exterior Plant Maintenance Service that has a lot of experience in caring for your type and size of the plant.
· Reputation – If you have talked to friends, family members, or colleagues then it is best if you talk with them about any experiences they may have had with the company. You can also use online reviews from customer review sites such as It’s good to read both positive and negative reviews before deciding on which one would be right for you.
· Cost – depending on what service will be provided by your chosen company the cost can vary greatly so it’s worth shopping around first but do not agree to anything until you are absolutely happy that this is the right fit for your needs.